distributors and collaborators

Are you interested in developing your activity with one of the best manufacturers of protector panels? Join us and work in an environment whose goal is to drive forward progress.

We are the first national manufacturer of protection panels with a good world projection. With our panels you can organize events and celebrations in a suistanable way, bringing ( as a company and organization) benefits in terms of cost savings, reducing our activity impact with much more responsable actions.

We provide solutions and important ideas to improve the reuse of materials and to promote good practices.

Join us and you will be able to improve your professional company in an dynamic environment, of respect and continuing challenges. Discover the opportunities our company offers. + info

Our Mission

Our mission is providing our customers high level products and services with our protection panels for many surfaces.

Our aim is to enable, promote and demonstrate the importance of using specialized products for multi-purpose venues, not only for the environment but also for the proper development of the event industry and the right maintenance for stadiums , arenas and sport facilities.

We earn our customers’ trust through quality, strength and durability of our products. Our commitment is to guarantee the highest perfomance in events and concerts through our products and services. We strongly believe in keeping lines of communication open, supporting our customers to meet challenges and objetives.

Greatly increase the income of stadiums, sport facilities or whatever turf area when becames multi-purpose zone. At the same time, to protect the grass and ensure safety for users.

What's Expected of us?